Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blogging Robert Jenson's Systematic Theology: Table of Contents

Volume 1: The Triune God

Introduction & Preface

Part I: "Prolegomena," Chapters 1-3

Part II: "The Triune Identity," Chapters 4-6

Part II: "The Triune Identity," Chapters 7-9

Part III: "The Triune Character," Chapters 10-12

Part III: "The Triune Character," Chapters 13-14

Volume 2: The Works of God

Part IV: "The Creation," Chapters 15-17

Part V: "The Creatures," Chapters 18-20

Part V: "The Creatures," Chapters 21-23

Part VI: "The Church," Chapters 24-26

Part VI: "The Church," Chapters 27-30

Part VII: "The Fulfillment," Chapters 31-35

A Final Quote

"In the end, as I have already more or less said, it is the entire shape of Jenson's narrative that remains compelling, as that narrative unfolds around the Person of Christ, whether one is ultimately persuaded by it or not. Here I can only direct the reader to Jenson's work: there (especially in his Systematic Theology) one will find an account of the triune God drawing nigh to us—and of us drawing nigh to him—an account of extraordinary imaginative richness, one that is (depending on one's temperament or intellectual affiliations) either seductive or scandalous, but one that is also impossible to forget. For myself, I can say only that I have returned often to his work, and found it an inexhaustible challenge to refine and clarify my own thought. And whenever I make that return, I cannot help but feel that, in a small way, the experience is rather like that of Jacob wrestling with God in his angel at the ford of Jabbok. No one of my theological persuasion, I think, who engages Jenson's thought in earnest can doubt that it is indeed the living God with whom he has come to grips therein: not some fabulous metaphysical phantom conjured out of Jenson's fixations or fantasies, but a genuine attempt to describe the God of scripture in the fullness of his historical presence and eternal identity; nor can he hope to retreat form that contest without a wound—or, for that matter, without a blessing."

—David Bentley Hart, In the Aftermath: Provocations and Laments (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009), 169

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